Wednesday, March 19, 2008

local bloggers engaged by local government

The communications director for Petworth Councilmember Bowser is fact checking Prince in the comments regarding a shooting at a nightclub. She is also arguing the merits of the DC gun ban. She responds to a comment by nate
Why wait for this to happen? It is just more reactive approaches instead of being proactive. It shows me that Bowser can’t see the big picture. She can’t see that guns and this club are not the issue as much as the people are. I bet the profile of the guy shot at Island is almost identical to the guy shot at Truesdell. They were just shot in different places, that’s all....30 years after BANNING guns, we are still blaming guns for the deaths of hundreds of black males per year with no thought or plan of action given to coming up with real world intelligent solutions.
Well, nate, statistically law enforcement is pretty proactive regarding ridding the streets of black males.

Off Seventh
includes a council member's name in his lexicon of tags. He often addresses Jack Evans directly on his blog.

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